Posts Tagged ‘Stone’
National Gallery Stone Repairs
Aeon conservator Zasha Guzman has been taking a leading role in QA/QC inspection of masonry repointing work at the National Gallery of Art. Aeon is working with Dan Lepore & Sons providing project administration, mortar analysis, and quality control services.
Read MoreCleaning Tests at the Sherman Building, Armed Forces Retirement Home
Aeon principal conservators Lane Burritt and Alfonso Narvaez recently performed cleaning tests on the marble Sherman Building located on the historic campus of the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Washington, DC. Built in 1857 the Sherman Building was badly damaged in last years’ earthquake. Aeon was brought in by The Christman Company to assist them and designers Quinn…
Read MoreVeterans Affairs Building Canopies Complete
Aeon has completed all work at the Veterans Affairs Building (shown above in 1919). Work included design build conservation services to restore all three ornamental cast iron entrance canopies. All were dismantled down to bare structural steel and rebuilt using original and newly fabricated ornamental ironwork, new structural muntins, new code compliant glass, and custom…
Read MoreAeon Documents Conditions at the US Capitol Dome
This summer Aeon was invited by the Christman Company and the Gilbane Company to assist them during renovations to the U.S. Capitol Dome. Hidden beneath the cast iron ‘skirt’ at the base of the dome is the original Aquia Creek sandstone dome base designed by Charles Bullfinch. Aeon was tasked with performing a stone by…
Read MoreNational Gallery of Art West
Aeon is excited to announce that Dan Lepore & Sons (DLS) and Aeon have been awarded the National Gallery of Art – West Building Stone Repairs project. Aeon will provide testing, quality control, and project management services. Work is to begin in late summer.
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