Aeon Safety Training: Mental Health Awareness during Covid-19 Pandemic

Devon from our safety team just put together this safety training on mental health awareness. We have decided to share the handouts from this training for your use.

Aeon Pandemic Mental Health Training

During a pandemic, many people may experience increased stress and

anxiety, whether they are physically sick or not. Stress caused by social isolation, fear of sickness and concern for others is common. It is essential to maintain a mental health management plan during times of stress, and to be sensitive to other people’s increased stress levels. According to the CDC, stress from the pandemic can cause anxiety, difficulty concentrating, worsening of chronic health problems, and increase substance use.

See our full training and a Behavior Health handout.

Aeon Safety Training Covid-19 Stress

Behavioral Health Handout from SAMHSA

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Aeon Preservation Services

