Yates Building

Aeon was recently hired by FLBE Inc. to assist them in a major reroofing project at the SydneyR Yates Federal Building which is home to the US Forestry Service. Built in 1880 as the original home of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing it was later used by the Treasury Department to house their Auditing…

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Yates Building Roof Project Complete

Aeon recently wrapped up a six-month project providing QA/QC and architectural conservation services to FLBE Inc. and DJB Contracting for the roofing phase of this project.  Originally built as the Bureau of Engraving and Printing’s first headquarters in 1879 (seen above in 1906), the building is currently managed by GSA. Work included review and oversight for standing…

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Hecht’s Warehouse

Aeon is working with Douglas Development and Shalom Baranes Architects to aid in the preservation and adaptive reuse of this iconic mid-Century Modern masterpiece. This wonderful Art Deco structure retains much of its original architectural integrity and beauty. Aeon is assisting in these efforts by providing condition assessment and materials conservation expertise.

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K Street Historic Buildings on the Move!

Aeon is working with Shalom Baranes Architects to preserve four small historic buildings located on the future site of the AAMC Headquarters on K Street near Mt. Vernon Square in DC. The buildings will be temporarily relocated off the site while excavations and construction occur for the new building, then moved back into position and…

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Aeon begins work on site at the US Capitol Dome

Working on the United States Capitol is the dream of many architectural conservators, and Aeon’s conservators are pleased that they now have this honor. Since George Washington laid the cornerstone in 1793, the Capitol has undergone a series of renovations. The latest project to rehabilitate the Dome , worth $10.5million, was awarded by the Architect of the Capitol to the Gilbane Building Company, and involves…

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